Our Churches
Black Pond Baptist Church
3644 Old Jennings Rd.
Middleburg, FL 32068
P: 282-5718
Pastor Jason Brown
Brannanfield Baptist Church
4360 Discovery Drive
Middleburg, FL 32068
Pastor Ken Webb
Calvary Haitian Baptist Church
922 Blanding Blvd. Unit 2
Orange Park, Fl. 32065.
Pastor Samuel Louis-Jean
Clay Hill Baptist Church
6054 CR 218
Jacksonville, FL 32234
P: 289-9292
Pastor Rick Crews
CrossPointe Church of Fleming Island
1871 CR 220
Fleming Island, FL 32003
P: 264-4370
Pastor Bill Clayton
Cuyler First Baptist Church
11226 Osceola Rd.
Glen St. Mary, FL 32040
P: 259-4846
Pastor Sam Combs
First Baptist Church of Maxville
8635 Maxville Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32234
P: 289-7095
Pastor Steven Gunter
First Baptist Church of Sanderson
8767 N CR 229
Sanderson, FL 32087
Pastor Roy Vining
First Baptist Church of Middleburg
2645 Blanding Blvd.
Middleburg, FL 32068
P: 282-5289
Pastor Chris Bonts
First Black Creek Baptist Church
PO Box 826 (3904 SR 16 W)
Penney Farms, FL 32079
P: 529-9084
Pastor Gary Melvin
First Haitian Baptist Church
PO Box 1803 (1489 Russell Rd.)
Orange Park, FL 32067
P: 284-4880
Pastor Joselin Civilus
Harbor Baptist Church
1120 Clay St.
Fleming Island, FL 32003
P: 529-5229
Pastor Warren Chesser
Harvest Jacksonville
11570 San Jose Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32260
P: 292-4677
Pastor Brett Maragni
Hickory Grove Baptist Church
310 S. Oakridge Ave.
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
P: 284-3311
Pastor Art Gipson
Highland First Baptist Church
1409 US Hwy 301 N.
Lawtey, FL 32058
P: 289-7698
Pastor Dale Wiseman
Hope Baptist Church
826 Reynolds Ln.
Jacksonville, FL 32254
P: 387-5336
Pastor Tim Nelson
Iglesia Coram Deo
Pastor Juan Lopez
(954) 234-5302
Lake Asbury Baptist Church
2674 Henley Rd.
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
P: 282-7079
Pastor James Younis
Logo Church
Our mailing address is PO Box 904, Lawtey, Florida, 32058
Our church address is 24078 US Hwy 301, Lawtey, Florida 32058
phone 904-424-4085
Long Branch Baptist Church
5500 Long Branch Cemetery Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32234
Pastor Harry Conaway
Mission Sarepta Internationale
7410 Park City, Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32244
P: 316-069
Pastor Renel Jean-Baptiste
Moniac Baptist Church
10594 Hwy 185
St. George, GA 31562
P: (912) 843-8190
Pastor Matt Rouse
New Beginning Ministries
6850 Robinson Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32220
Pastor J.C. Anderson
OakLeaf Baptist Church
800 OakLeaf Plantation Pkwy.
Orange Park, FL 32065
P: 214-9066
Pastor Robert Ball
Russell Baptist Church​
2299 Sandridge Rd.
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
P: 284-3951
Pastor Chad Weeks
Sharon Baptist Church
5584 Sharon Rd.
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
P: 284-4175
Shiloh Baptist Church
1055 CR 226
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
P: 284-9044
Pastor Marc Swarthout